Dataset Restricted Access

Data publication: Structural changes in Ge1 xSnx and Si1-x-yGexSny thin films on SOI substrates treated by pulse laser annealing

Steuer, Oliver; Schwarz, Daniel; Oehme, Michael; Bärwolf, Florian; Cheng, Yu; Ganss, Fabian; Hübner, René; Heller, René; Zhou, Shengqiang; Helm, Manfred; Cuniberti, Gianaurelio; Georgiev, Yordan; Prucnal, Slawomir

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Steuer, Oliver and
                  Schwarz, Daniel and
                  Oehme, Michael and
                  Bärwolf, Florian and
                  Cheng, Yu and
                  Ganss, Fabian and
                  Hübner, René and
                  Heller, René and
                  Zhou, Shengqiang and
                  Helm, Manfred and
                  Cuniberti, Gianaurelio and
                  Georgiev, Yordan and
                  Prucnal, Slawomir},
  title        = {{Data publication: Structural changes in Ge1 xSnx 
                   and Si1-x-yGexSny thin films on SOI substrates
                   treated by pulse laser annealing}},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2024,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.3086},
  url          = {}
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