Heins, Christopher;
Kim, Joo-Von;
Körber, Lukas;
Faßbender, Jürgen;
Schultheiß, Helmut;
Schultheiß, Katrin
Sarma, Martins; Shevchenko, Natalia; Weber, Norbert; Weier, Tom
Uploaded on January 31, 2025
Pinto Ramos, David Ignacio;
Alfaro-Bittner, Karin;
Rojas, René G.;
Clerc, Marcel G.
Rox, Hannes;
Ränke, Fabian;
Zschach, Lis Geraldine;
Yang, Xuegeng;
Mutschke, Gerd;
Eckert, Kerstin;
Lasagni, Andrés Fabián;
Baumann, Robert
Schmidtpeter, Jan;
Das, Proloy Taran;
Zabila, Yevhen;
Schubert, Conrad;
Gundrum, Thomas;
Wondrak, Thomas;
Makarov, Denys
Leopardi, Dino;
Gutzmer, Jens;
Lehmann, Bernd;
Burisch-Hassel, Mathias
Wenzel, Maxim;
Uykur, Ece;
Rößler, Sahana;
Schmidt, Marcus;
Janson, Oleg;
Tiwari, Achyut;
Dressel, Martin;
Tsirlin, Alexander
Duczek, Carolina;
Weber, Norbert;
Nash, William;
Sarma, Martins;
Weier, Tom
Data for numerical results on the investigations presented in the corresponding research article.
Uploaded on January 22, 2025
Liedke, Maciej Oskar;
Menéndez, Enric;
Keeble, David J.;
Čížek, Jakub
Dornheim, Tobias;
Moldabekov, Zhandos;
Schwalbe, Sebastian;
Vorberger, Jan
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