Dataset Open Access

Data to Impact on various cleaning procedures on p-GaN surfaces

Schaber, Jana; Xiang, Rong; Arnold, André; Ryzhov, Anton; Teichert, Jochen; Murcek, Petr; Zwartek, Paul; Ma, Shuai; Michel, Peter

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Schaber, Jana and
                  Xiang, Rong and
                  Arnold, André and
                  Ryzhov, Anton and
                  Teichert, Jochen and
                  Murcek, Petr and
                  Zwartek, Paul and
                  Ma, Shuai and
                  Michel, Peter},
  title        = {{Data to Impact on various cleaning procedures on 
                   p-GaN surfaces}},
  month        = feb,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2168},
  url          = {}
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