Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Examining different regimes of ionization-induced damage in GaN through atomistic simulations

Sequeira, Miguel; Djurabekova, Flyura; Nordlund, Kai; Mattei, Jean-Gabriel; Monnet, Isabelle; Grygiel, Clara; Alves, Eduardo; Lorenz, Katharina

Citation Style Language JSON Export

  "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.1991", 
  "type": "dataset", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "abstract": "<p>Two Temperature Model - Molecular Dynamics (TTM-MD) simulations describing the interaction of Swift Heavy Ions (0.35-0.54 MeV/amu Xe, 0.6 and 5.8 MeV/amu Pb, and 3.8 MeV/amu U ions. The simulations are discussed in:</p>\n\n<p>Sequeira, M. C., Djurabekova, F., Nordlund, K., Mattei, J.-G., Monnet, I., Grygiel, C., Alves, E., Lorenz, K., Examining Different Regimes of Ionization-Induced Damage in GaN Through Atomistic Simulations. Small 2022, 2102235. <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n\n<p>Each zip file contains the input and output corresponding to each ion simulation. The input and output files are those used and generated by PARCAS 5.22 ( The radial energy profile deposited by the ion, as calculated within the TTM, can be found in the in/ file. The file contains two columns: one with the distance to the ion trajectory (in Angstrom) and another with the energy per atom (in eV/atom). For additional information on the simulations (e.g. bulk vs surface), please refer to the methods section of the reference above.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Sequeira, Miguel"
      "family": "Djurabekova, Flyura"
      "family": "Nordlund, Kai"
      "family": "Mattei, Jean-Gabriel"
      "family": "Monnet, Isabelle"
      "family": "Grygiel, Clara"
      "family": "Alves, Eduardo"
      "family": "Lorenz, Katharina"
  "publisher": "Rodare", 
  "title": "Data publication: Examining different regimes of ionization-induced damage in GaN through atomistic simulations", 
  "id": "1991"
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