Dataset Restricted Access
{ "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.2537", "type": "dataset", "author": [ { "family": "Kulenkampff, Johannes" } ], "title": "\u00b5CT data of two drill cores of fractured crystalline rock (Grimsel)", "id": "2537", "language": "eng", "publisher": "Rodare", "version": "1.0", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 11, 1 ] ] }, "abstract": "<p>Two crystalline rock drill cores from the Grimsel site were scanned with a Nikon XT H 225 - scanner. The samples were prepared (formatted and cast in epoxy) by UJV Rez, Czech Republic. The CT-data were acquired and processed at HZDR-FWOT.</p>\n\n<p>Sample 1 (GAM_UJV_1C_1) contains a complex system of interconnected fractures.<br>\nSample 2 (GAM_UJV_1C_2) contains one single end-to-end fracture with larger aperture.</p>\n\n<p>Size of both samples: Diameter 80 mm, length 165 mm.</p>\n\n<p>Two tomograms were acquired for both samples:<br>\n1) Complete drill core as one scan, voxel size ca. 75 µm.<br>\n2) HR-tomogram merged from three sections with maximum resolution, voxel size ca. 40 µm.</p>\n\n<p>The tomograms were stored as 3D-raw files. Data format, acquisition parameters, and processing workflow, are documented in the tomogram header files (nrrd-format (text): see<br>\nThis data format is importable into open-source visualization programs as 3D slicer ( or Paraview ( The data processing has been conducted with Avizo (</p>\n\n<p>Files:<br>\nSample 1<br>\nGAM_UJV_1C_1_complet-2_01_NLM: Graylevel image of complete sample, ring artifact removal, non-local-means filter<br>\nGAM_UJV_1C_1_complet-2_01_thresholded: Tentative label image of complete sample, threshold segmentation with manual edit<br>\nMerged-GAM_UJV_1C_1_HR.Frac_section: Graylevel image of merged fracture section, unfiltered<br>\nMerged-GAM_UJV_1C_1_HR.Frac_section.Threshold: Tentative label image of merged fracture section, adaptive threshold segmentation with manual edit<br>\nGAM_UJV_1C_1_complet_2.png: Figure of complete sample <br>\nGAM_UJV_1C_1_HR_Frac_Y2.png: Figure of merged high-resolution tomogram</p>\n\n<p>Sample 2<br>\nGAM_UJV_1C_2_complet_01.filtered: Graylevel image of complete sample, ring artifact removal, non-local-means filter<br>\nGAM_UJV_1C_2_complet_01.filtered.thresholded: Tentative label image of complete sample, threshold segmentation with manual edit<br>\nMerged-GAM_UJV_1C_2_A_01.Frac_section.filtered: Graylevel image of merged fracture section, ring artifact removal, non-local-means filter<br>\nMerged-GAM_UJV_1C_2_A_01.Frac_section.filtered.segm: Tentative label image of merged fracture section, threshold segmentation with manual edit<br>\nGAM_UJV_1C_2_complett_2.png: Figure of complete sample<br>\nGAM_UJV_1C_2_HR_Frac_Y2.png: Figure of merged high-resolution tomogram</p>\n\n<p>Original acquistion data are stored on the HZDR bulk data storage system and available for reprocessing on request.</p>\n\n<p><br>\nFinancial support was granted from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 847593 (EURAD, WP FUTURE, task 2.2).<br>\n </p>" }
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