Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Modification of Porous Ultralow‑k Film by Vacuum Ultraviolet Emission

Zotovich, Alexey I.; Zyryanov, Sergey M.; Lopaev, Dmitry V.; Rezvanov, Askar A.; Attallah, Ahmed Gamal; Liedke, Maciej Oskar; Butterling, Maik; Bogdanova, Maria A.; Vishnevskiy, Alexey S.; Seregin, Dmitry S.; Vorotyntsev, Dmitry A. Vorotyntsev; Palov, Alexander P.; Hirschmann, Eric; Wagner, Andreas; Naumov, Sergej; Vorotilov, Konstantin A.; Rakhimova, Tatyana V.; Rakhimov, Alexander T. R.; Baklanov, Mikhail

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Zotovich, Alexey I. and
                  Zyryanov, Sergey M. and
                  Lopaev, Dmitry V. and
                  Rezvanov, Askar A. and
                  Attallah, Ahmed Gamal and
                  Liedke, Maciej Oskar and
                  Butterling, Maik and
                  Bogdanova, Maria A. and
                  Vishnevskiy, Alexey S. and
                  Seregin, Dmitry S. and
                  Vorotyntsev, Dmitry A. Vorotyntsev and
                  Palov, Alexander P. and
                  Hirschmann, Eric and
                  Wagner, Andreas and
                  Naumov, Sergej and
                  Vorotilov, Konstantin A. and
                  Rakhimova, Tatyana V. and
                  Rakhimov, Alexander T. R. and
                  Baklanov, Mikhail},
  title        = {{Data publication: Modification of Porous 
                   Ultralow‑k Film by Vacuum Ultraviolet Emission}},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2076},
  url          = {}
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Cite as

Zotovich, Alexey I., Zyryanov, Sergey M., Lopaev, Dmitry V., Rezvanov, Askar A., Attallah, Ahmed Gamal, Liedke, Maciej Oskar, … Baklanov, Mikhail. (2023). Data publication: Modification of Porous Ultralow‑k Film by Vacuum Ultraviolet Emission [Data set]. Rodare.
