Software Open Access

UQTestFuns: A Python3 Library of Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Test Functions

Wicaksono, Damar Canggih; Hecht, Michael

UQTestFuns is an open-source Python3 library of test functions commonly used within the applied uncertainty quantification (UQ) community. Specifically, the package provides:

  • an implementation with minimal dependencies (i.e., NumPy and SciPy) and a common interface of many test functions
  • single entry point collecting test functions and their probabilistic input specifications in a single Python package
  • an opportunity for an open-source contribution, supporting the implementation of new test functions or posting reference results.

In short, UQTestFuns is an homage to the Virtual Library of Simulation Experiments (VLSE).

v0.5.0 is a minor release that further expands the library of available UQ test functions. This update introduces 14 new test functions, bringing the total to 56.

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