Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Formation of martensitic microstructure in epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films after fast cooling

Ge, Yuru; Ganss, Fabian; Lünser, Klara; Kar, Satyakam; Hübner, René; Zhou, Shengqiang; Rebohle, Lars; Fähler, Sebastian

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Ge, Yuru and
                  Ganss, Fabian and
                  Lünser, Klara and
                  Kar, Satyakam and
                  Hübner, René and
                  Zhou, Shengqiang and
                  Rebohle, Lars and
                  Fähler, Sebastian},
  title        = {{Data publication: Formation of martensitic 
                   microstructure in epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films after
                   fast cooling}},
  month        = sep,
  year         = 2024,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.3135},
  url          = {}
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