Other Open Access
Uaman Svetikova, Tatiana Aureliia; de Oliveira, Thales; Pashkin, Alexej; Ponomaryov, Alexey; Berger, Christian; Fuerst, Lena; Bayer, Florian; Novik, Elena; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens; Helm, Manfred; Kiessling, Tobias; Winnerl, Stephan; Kovalev, Sergey; Astakhov, Georgy
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All versions | This version | |
Views | 264 | 264 |
Downloads | 77 | 77 |
Data volume | 724.2 MB | 724.2 MB |
Unique views | 210 | 210 |
Unique downloads | 62 | 62 |