Dataset Open Access

Source Data: Ultra-short pulse laser acceleration of protons to 80 MeV from cryogenic hydrogen jets tailored to near-critical density

Rehwald, Martin; Assenbaum, Stefan; Bernert, Constantin; Brack, Florian-Emanuel; Bussmann, Michael; Cowan, Thomas; Curry, Chandra B.; Fiuza, Frederico; Garten, Marco; Gaus, Lennart; Gauthier, Maxence; Göde, Sebastian; Göthel, Ilja; Glenzer, Siegfried H.; Huang, Lingen; Huebl, Axel; Kim, Jongjin B.; Kluge, Thomas; Kraft, Stephan; Kroll, Florian; Metzkes-Ng, Josefine; Miethlinger, Thomas; Löser, Markus; Obst-Huebl, Lieselotte; Reimold, Marvin; Schlenvoigt, Hans-Peter; Schoenwaelder, Christopher; Schramm, Ulrich; Siebold, Mathias; Treffert, Franziska; Yang, Long; Ziegler, Tim; Zeil, Karl

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Rehwald, Martin and
                  Assenbaum, Stefan and
                  Bernert, Constantin and
                  Brack, Florian-Emanuel and
                  Bussmann, Michael and
                  Cowan, Thomas and
                  Curry, Chandra B. and
                  Fiuza, Frederico and
                  Garten, Marco and
                  Gaus, Lennart and
                  Gauthier, Maxence and
                  Göde, Sebastian and
                  Göthel, Ilja and
                  Glenzer, Siegfried H. and
                  Huang, Lingen and
                  Huebl, Axel and
                  Kim, Jongjin B. and
                  Kluge, Thomas and
                  Kraft, Stephan and
                  Kroll, Florian and
                  Metzkes-Ng, Josefine and
                  Miethlinger, Thomas and
                  Löser, Markus and
                  Obst-Huebl, Lieselotte and
                  Reimold, Marvin and
                  Schlenvoigt, Hans-Peter and
                  Schoenwaelder, Christopher and
                  Schramm, Ulrich and
                  Siebold, Mathias and
                  Treffert, Franziska and
                  Yang, Long and
                  Ziegler, Tim and
                  Zeil, Karl},
  title        = {{Source Data: Ultra-short pulse laser acceleration 
                   of protons to 80 MeV from cryogenic hydrogen jets
                   tailored to near-critical density}},
  month        = jun,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2311},
  url          = {}
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