Dataset Open Access

Source Data: Ultra-short pulse laser acceleration of protons to 80 MeV from cryogenic hydrogen jets tailored to near-critical density

Rehwald, Martin; Assenbaum, Stefan; Bernert, Constantin; Brack, Florian-Emanuel; Bussmann, Michael; Cowan, Thomas; Curry, Chandra B.; Fiuza, Frederico; Garten, Marco; Gaus, Lennart; Gauthier, Maxence; Göde, Sebastian; Göthel, Ilja; Glenzer, Siegfried H.; Huang, Lingen; Huebl, Axel; Kim, Jongjin B.; Kluge, Thomas; Kraft, Stephan; Kroll, Florian; Metzkes-Ng, Josefine; Miethlinger, Thomas; Löser, Markus; Obst-Huebl, Lieselotte; Reimold, Marvin; Schlenvoigt, Hans-Peter; Schoenwaelder, Christopher; Schramm, Ulrich; Siebold, Mathias; Treffert, Franziska; Yang, Long; Ziegler, Tim; Zeil, Karl

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