Dataset Open Access

Tinto: Multisensor Benchmark for 3D Hyperspectral Point Cloud Segmentation in the Geosciences

Afifi, Ahmed J. M.; Thiele, Samuel Thomas; Rizaldy, Aldino; Lorenz, Sandra; Kirsch, Moritz; Ghamisi, Pedram; Tolosana Delgado, Raimon; Gloaguen, Richard; Heizmann, Michael

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  author       = {Afifi, Ahmed J. M. and
                  Thiele, Samuel Thomas and
                  Rizaldy, Aldino and
                  Lorenz, Sandra and
                  Kirsch, Moritz and
                  Ghamisi, Pedram and
                  Tolosana Delgado, Raimon and
                  Gloaguen, Richard and
                  Heizmann, Michael},
  title        = {{Tinto: Multisensor Benchmark for 3D Hyperspectral 
                   Point Cloud Segmentation in the Geosciences}},
  month        = apr,
  year         = 2023,
  note         = {{This research received funding from the Initiative 
                   and Networking Fund (INF) of the Hermann von
                   Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
                   in the framework of the Helmholtz Imaging Platform
                   under grant agreement No ZT-I-PF-4-021.}},
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2256},
  url          = {}
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