Dataset Open Access

Dataset in paper 'FISHMORPH: A global database on morphological traits of freshwater fishes'

Brosse, Sébastien; Charpin, Nicolas; Su, Guohuan; Toussaint, Aurèle; Herrera-R, Guido A.; Tedesco, Pablo A.; Villéger, Sébastien

JSON Export

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    "title": "Dataset in paper 'FISHMORPH: A global database on morphological traits of freshwater fishes'", 
    "creators": [
        "name": "Brosse, S\u00e9bastien", 
        "affiliation": "Laboratoire Evolution et Diversit\u00e9 Biologique (EDB), UMR5174, Universit\u00e9 Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, CNRS, IRD, Toulouse, France"
        "name": "Charpin, Nicolas", 
        "affiliation": "Association Vies d'\u00d4 douce, La Coul\u00e9e, New Caledonia"
        "name": "Su, Guohuan", 
        "affiliation": "Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS), G\u00f6rlitz, Germany"
        "name": "Toussaint, Aur\u00e8le", 
        "affiliation": "Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia"
        "name": "Herrera-R, Guido A.", 
        "affiliation": "Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA"
        "name": "Tedesco, Pablo A.", 
        "affiliation": "Laboratoire Evolution et Diversit\u00e9 Biologique (EDB), UMR5174, Universit\u00e9 Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, CNRS, IRD, Toulouse, France"
        "name": "Vill\u00e9ger, S\u00e9bastien", 
        "affiliation": "MARBEC, The University of Montpellier, CNRS, Montpellier, France"
    "notes": "This study was supported by \"Investissement d'Avenir\" grants (Centre d'Etude de la Biodiversit\u00e9 Amazonienne, ANR-10-LABX-0025; Towards a unified theory of biotic interactions (TULIP), ANR-10-LABX-41).", 
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    "publication_date": "2021-09-17", 
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    "description": "<p>This dataset is publiched in the paper &quot;FISHMORPH: A global database on morphological traits of freshwater fishes&quot; in Global Ecology and Biogeography (<a href=\"\"></a>). The FISHMORPH database includes 10 morphological traits measured on 8,342 freshwater fish species, covering 48.69% of the world freshwater fish fauna. It&nbsp;provides the most comprehensive database on fish morphological traits to date. It represents an essential source of information for ecologists and environmental managers seeking to consider morphological patterns of fish faunas throughout the globe, and for those interested in current and future impacts of human activities on the morphological structure of fish assemblages.&nbsp;</p>", 
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All versions This version
Views 841841
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Data volume 702.2 MB702.2 MB
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Unique downloads 9999


Cite as

Brosse, Sébastien, Charpin, Nicolas, Su, Guohuan, Toussaint, Aurèle, Herrera-R, Guido A., Tedesco, Pablo A., & Villéger, Sébastien. (2021). Dataset in paper 'FISHMORPH: A global database on morphological traits of freshwater fishes' (Version v1.1) [Data set]. Rodare.
