Dataset Restricted Access

Research data: Grating-graphene metamaterial as a platform for terahertz nonlinear photonics

Deinert, Jan-Christoph; Kovalev, Sergey; Tielrooij, Klaas-Jan

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  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "version": "1.0", 
  "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.1291", 
  "abstract": "<p>Research data for used for the publication: &quot;Grating-graphene metamaterial as a platform for terahertz nonlinear photonics&quot;.</p>\n\n<p>Datasets measured at the TELBE accelerator-based THz source are measured using a pulse-resolved detection scheme. The data points are sorted according to the absolute arrival time measurement. The four columns hold the following data:<br>\n1) absolute time in picoseconds<br>\n2) Signal of the emitted THz measured by electro-optic sampling.<br>\n3) Relative THz intensity measured using a pyroelectric detector. THz intensity is proportional to absolute power of the signal.<br>\n4) Data corresponding to the relative timing of each pulse. Not used for further analysis of the data.</p>\n\n<p>The filenumbers of the measurements used for the figures are as follows:<br>\nFig. 1a: File 003<br>\nFig. 1b-c: File 043<br>\nFig. 1d-e: File 086<br>\n<br>\nFig. 2a: Files 080..088 (bare graphene) and 031..049 (grating)<br>\nFig. 2b: same<br>\n<br>\nFig. 3a: Files 050..057<br>\nFig. 3c: Files 076..079<br>\n<br>\nFig. 4. Table top measurements; no file numbers<br>\n<br>\nSupp. Fig. 2: File 030<br>\n<br>\nSupp. Fig. 4: File 024..025<br>\n<br>\nSupp. Fig. 7a: Files 031..034 and 036..041<br>\nSupp. Fig. 7b: Files 080..083<br>\nSupp. Fig. 7d: Files 031..049 and 080..086<br>\n<br>\nSupp. Fig. 9a: Files 031..046<br>\nSupp. Fig. 9b: Files 080..085 and 087..088</p>\n\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n\n<p>The datasets measured using a table-top laser source contain two columns. The first one is the position of the optical delay stage in mm that has to be multiplied by 6.667 ps/mm to define the time axis. The second column contains the THz signal as measured using electro-optic sampling.</p>", 
  "id": "1291", 
  "language": "eng", 
  "title": "Research data: Grating-graphene metamaterial as a platform for terahertz nonlinear photonics", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Deinert, Jan-Christoph"
      "family": "Kovalev, Sergey"
      "family": "Tielrooij, Klaas-Jan"
  "type": "dataset", 
  "publisher": "Rodare"
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