Dataset Restricted Access

Dataset and simulation program for "Limitation of THz conversion efficiency in DSTMS pumped by intense femtosecond pulses"

Li, Jiang; Rana, Rakesh; Zhu, Liguo; Liu, Cangli; Schneider, Harald; Pashkin, Oleksiy

JSON Export

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    "publication_date": "2021-05-31", 
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        "name": "Li, Jiang", 
        "affiliation": "HZDR"
        "name": "Rana, Rakesh", 
        "orcid": "0000-0002-9691-467X", 
        "affiliation": "HZDR"
        "name": "Zhu, Liguo", 
        "affiliation": "China Academy of Engineering Physics"
        "name": "Liu, Cangli", 
        "affiliation": "China Academy of Engineering Physics"
        "name": "Schneider, Harald", 
        "orcid": "0000-0002-8060-8504", 
        "affiliation": "HZDR"
        "name": "Pashkin, Oleksiy", 
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    "title": "Dataset and simulation program for \"Limitation of THz conversion efficiency in DSTMS pumped by intense femtosecond pulses\"", 
    "description": "<p>- Raw experimental data of the measured THz and OPA spectra</p>\n\n<p>- Origin file with the experimentally measured THz conversion efficienbcy as a function of the OPA fluence</p>\n\n<p>- Matlab program for the simulation of the THz generation process in DSTMS</p>", 
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Data volume 4.2 kB4.2 kB
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