Dataset Open Access
{ "publisher": "Rodare", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2021, 4, 29 ] ] }, "title": "Data for: Comparison of Elemental Analysis Techniques for the Characterization of Commercial Alloys", "type": "dataset", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.958", "abstract": "<p>The uploaded XRF, OES, and LIBS data served as base for the publication by Seidel et al. 2021 in the journal Metals.</p>", "author": [ { "family": "Seidel, Peter" } ], "id": "958" }
All versions | This version | |
Views | 695 | 695 |
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Data volume | 3.2 GB | 3.2 GB |
Unique views | 386 | 386 |
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Seidel, Peter. (2021). Data for: Comparison of Elemental Analysis Techniques for the Characterization of Commercial Alloys [Data set]. Rodare.