Dataset Restricted Access
Döß, Alexander; Schubert, Markus; Wiedemann, Philipp; Schleicher, Eckhard; Hampel, Uwe
{ "abstract": "<p>This data set is a supplementory to 'Dataset for: Flow morphologies in straight and bent horizontal pipes'. In addition to the void files (.v) given in the primary data sets we provide:</p>\n\n<p>- Underlying uncalibrated measurements files (.dat, .dati)<br>\n- .log files for the corresponding .v-files<br>\n- Calibration measurements<br>\n- Geometry files for the used Wire-mesh sensors</p>\n\n<p> </p>", "author": [ { "family": "D\u00f6\u00df, Alexander" }, { "family": "Schubert, Markus" }, { "family": "Wiedemann, Philipp" }, { "family": "Schleicher, Eckhard" }, { "family": "Hampel, Uwe" } ], "publisher": "Rodare", "type": "dataset", "id": "786", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2021, 1, 29 ] ] }, "title": "Dataset for: Flow morphologies in straight and bent horizontal pipes (uncalibrated measurement files)", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.786" }
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