Dataset Restricted Access

Assessment of inclined rotating fixed-bed reactors - Data of experiments and simulations

Timaeus, Robert; Hampel, Uwe; Schubert, Markus

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  "owners": [
  "revision": 5, 
  "updated": "2023-02-17T08:48:04.714593+00:00", 
  "conceptdoi": "10.14278/rodare.761", 
  "doi": "10.14278/rodare.762", 
  "conceptrecid": "761", 
  "id": 762, 
  "stats": {
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  "metadata": {
    "doi": "10.14278/rodare.762", 
    "access_conditions": "<p>The data will be set to open access as soon as the corresponding manuscript is published.</p>", 
    "publication_date": "2021-01-28", 
    "doc_id": "1", 
    "access_right": "restricted", 
    "description": "<p>This publication provides the data of a study executed with an inclined rotating fixed-bed reactor. Here, the hydrogenation of alpha-methylstyrene was investigated via experiments and simulations. In particular gas-limited reaction conditions were analyzed to reveal the potential of the reactor for process intensification. The space-time yield of the reactor was taken as performance measure and compared to a conventional trickle-bed reactor. The simulations were executed with a hybrid model, consisting of an Eulerian-Eulerian model and a heterogeneous continuum model.</p>", 
    "notes": "The data is provided in an excel file. Firstly, the \"Read me\" sheet should be consulted.", 
    "keywords": [
      "inclined rotating fixed-bed reactor", 
      "multiphase phase flow", 
      "process intensification"
    "pub_id": "32176", 
    "access_right_category": "danger", 
    "related_identifiers": [
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    "communities": [
        "id": "fwd"
        "id": "rodare"
    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf", 
        "name": "Timaeus, Robert"
        "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf", 
        "name": "Hampel, Uwe"
        "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf", 
        "name": "Schubert, Markus"
    "relations": {
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    "language": "eng", 
    "resource_type": {
      "title": "Dataset", 
      "type": "dataset"
    "title": "Assessment of inclined rotating fixed-bed reactors - Data of experiments and simulations"
All versions This version
Views 350350
Downloads 00
Data volume 0 Bytes0 Bytes
Unique views 111111
Unique downloads 00


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