Dataset Restricted Access

Ultrafast X-ray tomography data set for the investigation of gas-liquid two-phase flows in an impeller of a centrifugal pump

Schäfer, Thomas; Bieberle, André; Pietruske, Heiko; Hampel, Uwe

Contact person(s)
Schäfer, Thomas
Data collector(s)
Sprewitz, Uwe; Zippe, Cornelius
Data curator(s)
Bieberle, André
Pietruske, Heiko
Neumann, Martin
Rights holder(s)
Hampel, Uwe

In this study the behaviour of gas-liquid two-phase flow inside a centrifugal pump impeller is investigated using

  • ultrafast X-ray computed tomography
  • different rotational speed (1300 rpm, 1480 rpm, 1600 rpm)
  • different inlet gas/liquid fractions
  • different inlet gas-liquid flow regimes (disperse, swirling) 

The Project was founded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the funding code 02NUK023B.
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