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Frequency- and magnetic-field-dependent properties of ordered magnetic nanoparticle arrangements

Neugebauer, Nils; Hache, Toni; Elm, M.; Hofmann, D. M.; Heiliger, C.; Schultheiß, Helmut; Klar, P. J.

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        <foaf:name>Hofmann, D. M.</foaf:name>
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        <foaf:name>Heiliger, C.</foaf:name>
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        <foaf:name>Schultheiß, Helmut</foaf:name>
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        <foaf:name>Klar, P. J.</foaf:name>
        <foaf:givenName>P. J.</foaf:givenName>
    <dct:title>Frequency- and magnetic-field-dependent properties of ordered magnetic nanoparticle arrangements</dct:title>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2020</dct:issued>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2020-11-09</dct:issued>
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    <dct:description>&lt;p&gt;We present a frequency and magnetic field dependent investigation of ordered arrangements of 20 nm magnetic&lt;br&gt; nanoparticles (MNPs) consisting of magnetite (Fe3O4) by employing micro Brillouin light scattering&lt;br&gt; microscopy. We utilized electron beam lithography to prepare hexagonally arranged, circularly shaped MNPassemblies&lt;br&gt; consisting of a single layer of MNPs using a variant of the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. By&lt;br&gt; comparing the results with non-structured, layered superlattices of MNPs, further insight into the influence&lt;br&gt; of size and geometry of the arrangement on the collective properties is obtained. We show that at low static&lt;br&gt; external field strengths, two signals occur in frequency dependent measurements for both non-structured and&lt;br&gt; structured assemblies. Enlarging the static external field strength leads to a sharpening of the main signal,&lt;br&gt; while the satellite signal decreases in its intensity and increases in its linewidth. The occurrence of multiple&lt;br&gt; signals at low external field strengths is also confirmed by sweeping the static external field and keeping the&lt;br&gt; excitation frequency constant. Micromagnetic simulations unravel the origin of the different signals and their&lt;br&gt; dependence on the static external field strength, enabling an interpretation of the observed characteristics in&lt;br&gt; terms of different local environments of an MNPs forming the MNP assembly.&lt;/p&gt;</dct:description>
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            <rdfs:label>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</rdfs:label>
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