Dataset Open Access

Nonlocal stimulation of three-magnon splitting in a magnetic vortex

Körber, Lukas; Schultheiß, Katrin; Hula, Tobias; Verba, Roman; Faßbender, Jürgen; Kakay, Attila; Schultheiß, Helmut

We present a combined numerical, theoretical and experimental study on stimulated three-magnon splitting in a magnetic disk in the vortex equilibrium state. Our micromagnetic simulations and Brillouin-light-scattering results confirm that three-magnon splitting can be triggered even below threshold by exciting one of the secondary modes by magnons propagating in a waveguide next to the disk. The experiments show that stimulation is possible over an extended range of excitation powers and a wide range of frequencies around the eigenfrequencies of the secondary modes. Rate-equation calculations predict an instantaneous response to stimulation and the possibility to prematurely trigger three-magnon splitting even above threshold in a sustainable manner. These predictions are confirmed experimentally using time-resolved Brillouin-light-scattering measurements and are in a good qualitative agreement with the theoretical results. We believe that the controllable mechanism of stimulated three-magnon splitting could provide a possibility to utilize magnon-based nonlinear networks as hardware for reservoir or neuromorphic computing.

Here, we briefly describe how the archived data for the publication "Nonlocal stimulation of three-magnon splitting in a magnetic vortex", submitted to PRL, is structured.

- theoretical data of the temporal evolution of the spin wave modes in Fig. 4

- MuMax3 simulation recipes (.go files) and sample-layout masks for the
simulations performed for Fig. 2(a,b,c).
- corresponding power spectra obtained with our "mumax3-pwsp" program
- mode profiles for stimulated and spontaneous splitting (Fig. 1(c) and Fig. 2(d))
- dispersion of the spin waves, calculated by micromagetnic simulation, shown in Fig. 1(b)

- electron beam microscopy image of the sample
- intensity spectrum of the waveguide, used to calculate the approximate
frequency/wave-vector region where the waveguide is effective (inset in Fig. 1(c))
- non-time-resolved BLS measurements, including spectra, power sweeps, etc. for
Figs 2,3 in "i3MS" folders, in more detail described by "i3MS_V1_KS_logbook.pdf"
- time-resolved BLS measurements, further explained in the corresponding subfolders

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