Software Open Access

Software for: Characterization of blood coagulation dynamics and oxygenation in ex-vivo retinal vessels by fluorescence hyperspectral imaging

Podlipec, Rok; Iztok, Urbančič

JSON Export

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    "description": "<p>The Mathematica software for the analysis of blood oxygenation in the intact or damaged&nbsp;retinal vessel from the fluorescence hyperspectral data using&nbsp;optimized two-component empirical asymmetric log-normal lineshape (LN) spectral model (Urbancic et al, Opt. Express 21, 2013) modified with hemoglobin absorbance correction.&nbsp;</p>", 
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All versions This version
Views 342341
Downloads 174174
Data volume 41.1 MB41.1 MB
Unique views 264263
Unique downloads 124124


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