Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Direct free energy calculation from ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of warm dense matter

Dornheim, Tobias; Moldabekov, Zhandos; Schwalbe, Sebastian; Vorberger, Jan

DCAT Export

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        <foaf:name>Vorberger, Jan</foaf:name>
    <dct:title>Data publication: Direct free energy calculation from ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of warm dense matter</dct:title>
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    <dct:description>&lt;p&gt;This repository contains the raw data of all figures shown in the publication &amp;quot;Direct free energy calculation from ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of warm dense matter&amp;quot;; note that the same format and units like in the paper are being used.&lt;/p&gt;</dct:description>
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Cite as

Dornheim, Tobias, Moldabekov, Zhandos, Schwalbe, Sebastian, & Vorberger, Jan. (2025). Data publication: Direct free energy calculation from ab initio path integral Monte Carlo simulations of warm dense matter [Data set]. Rodare.
