Software Open Access
Beckstein, Pascal; Weber, Norbert
{ "revision": 4, "created": "2025-01-16T08:22:41.470339+00:00", "conceptrecid": "3401", "metadata": { "title": "DeflatedPCG: a PCG solver with special regularisation", "references": [ "", "" ], "related_identifiers": [ { "identifier": "", "scheme": "url", "relation": "isIdenticalTo" }, { "identifier": "10.14278/rodare.3401", "scheme": "doi", "relation": "isVersionOf" } ], "pub_id": "40655", "relations": { "version": [ { "count": 1, "is_last": true, "parent": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "3401" }, "index": 0, "last_child": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "3402" } } ] }, "description": "<p>The open dataset provides a PCG solver with special regularisation, which does not fix the field at one point, but its mean value instead.</p>", "license": { "id": "GPL-3.0+" }, "doi": "10.14278/rodare.3402", "access_right_category": "success", "doc_id": "1", "publication_date": "2025-01-16", "creators": [ { "name": "Beckstein, Pascal", "orcid": "0000-0001-5488-2166" }, { "name": "Weber, Norbert", "orcid": "0000-0002-5191-0122" } ], "access_right": "open", "resource_type": { "type": "software", "title": "Software" }, "communities": [ { "id": "ecfunded" }, { "id": "rodare" } ], "grants": [ { "title": "\nSodium-Zinc molten salt batteries for low-cost stationary storage\n ", "program": "H2020", "code": "963599", "funder": { "acronyms": [ "EC" ], "name": "European Commission", "links": { "self": "" }, "doi": "10.13039/501100000780" }, "acronym": "SOLSTICE", "links": { "self": "" } } ] }, "id": 3402, "owners": [ 497 ], "conceptdoi": "10.14278/rodare.3401", "updated": "2025-01-16T08:54:05.525864+00:00", "files": [ { "size": 66582, "type": "zip", "checksum": "md5:7ab157bce83cb48f01e1683c938cf506", "key": "", "bucket": "88ff0ebb-ca9e-4d33-86d8-d8e7ae82520e", "links": { "self": "" } } ], "links": { "badge": "", "doi": "", "conceptbadge": "", "conceptdoi": "", "bucket": "", "html": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "" }, "doi": "10.14278/rodare.3402", "stats": { "volume": 0.0, "unique_downloads": 0.0, "version_unique_downloads": 0.0, "unique_views": 0.0, "downloads": 0.0, "version_unique_views": 0.0, "version_views": 0.0, "version_downloads": 0.0, "version_volume": 0.0, "views": 0.0 } }
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