Software Open Access
{ "name": "EPICS device backend for the ChimeraTK framework", "keywords": [ "EPICS", "ChimeraTK", "Control System" ], "description": "<p>The EPICS device backend implements a EPICS client, that allows to create an ChimeraTK device that communicates with an EPICS IOC via the EPICS Channel Access (CA) protocol.</p>", "datePublished": "2024-12-13", "creator": [ { "name": "Zenker, Klaus", "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf" } ], "license": "", "@id": "", "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode", "identifier": "", "version": "01.00.01", "@context": "", "url": "", "codeRepository": "" }
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Unique views | 30 | 30 |
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