Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Magnetic imaging of thermally switchable antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic modulated thin films

Griggs, W.; Peasey, A.; Schedin, F.; Anwar, Md. S.; Eggert, B.; Mawass, M.-A.; Kronast, F.; Wende, H.; Bali, Rantej; Thomson, T.

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Griggs, W. and
                  Peasey, A. and
                  Schedin, F. and
                  Anwar, Md. S. and
                  Eggert, B. and
                  Mawass, M.-A. and
                  Kronast, F. and
                  Wende, H. and
                  Bali, Rantej and
                  Thomson, T.},
  title        = {{Data publication: Magnetic imaging of thermally 
                   switchable antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic
                   modulated thin films}},
  month        = nov,
  year         = 2024,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.3247},
  url          = {}
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