Dataset Open Access
Fahmy, Karim; Günther, Alix; Bertheau, Rahel; Pape, David
{ "doi": "10.14278/rodare.3152", "conceptrecid": "3151", "conceptdoi": "10.14278/rodare.3151", "links": { "badge": "", "doi": "", "conceptbadge": "", "conceptdoi": "", "bucket": "", "html": "", "latest": "", "latest_html": "" }, "metadata": { "doi": "10.14278/rodare.3152", "publication_date": "2024-09-19", "title": "Heat flow data from the fungus Schizophyllum commune", "access_right": "open", "relations": { "version": [ { "parent": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "3151" }, "count": 1, "last_child": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "3152" }, "is_last": true, "index": 0 } ] }, "communities": [ { "id": "rodare" } ], "doc_id": "1", "resource_type": { "title": "Dataset", "type": "dataset" }, "creators": [ { "orcid": "0000-0002-8752-5824", "name": "Fahmy, Karim" }, { "name": "G\u00fcnther, Alix" }, { "name": "Bertheau, Rahel" }, { "orcid": "0000-0002-3145-9880", "name": "Pape, David" } ], "related_identifiers": [ { "identifier": "", "scheme": "url", "relation": "isIdenticalTo" }, { "identifier": "10.14278/rodare.3049", "scheme": "doi", "relation": "isSupplementTo" }, { "identifier": "10.14278/rodare.3151", "scheme": "doi", "relation": "isVersionOf" } ], "keywords": [ "microcalorimetry", "Monod", "metabolism", "fermentation", "glycolysis", "aerobic", "anaerobic", "metabolator" ], "description": "<p>The data set contains three typical heat flow curves recorded from the fungus Schizophyllum commune and exemplifies the evaluation of such data by the software tool metabolator (<a href=\"\"></a>).</p>", "license": { "id": "CC-BY-4.0" }, "language": "eng", "access_right_category": "success", "pub_id": "39608" }, "files": [ { "type": "xlsx", "links": { "self": "" }, "key": "17012024_MK2_SC_example_Ch21_analysis(peak1).xlsx", "checksum": "md5:e4c257e47520ab84d9160a8465a943b5", "bucket": "e4f9ca8d-a8a5-4fc9-bcb0-5a2621ba6090", "size": 10290 }, { "type": "xlsx", "links": { "self": "" }, "key": "17012024_MK2_SC_example_Ch21_analysis(peak2).xlsx", "checksum": "md5:8b498a82efc3ba0f091319b4c1c2e004", "bucket": "e4f9ca8d-a8a5-4fc9-bcb0-5a2621ba6090", "size": 10259 }, { "type": "xlsx", "links": { "self": "" }, "key": "17012024_MK2_SC_example_Ch25_analysis(peak1).xlsx", "checksum": "md5:079ed81307c2b8064999c71a8b4abb3d", "bucket": "e4f9ca8d-a8a5-4fc9-bcb0-5a2621ba6090", "size": 10212 }, { "type": "xlsx", "links": { "self": "" }, "key": "17012024_MK2_SC_example_Ch25_analysis(peak2).xlsx", "checksum": "md5:e0ad527bdae764ece89ce135a359235c", "bucket": "e4f9ca8d-a8a5-4fc9-bcb0-5a2621ba6090", "size": 10213 }, { "type": "xlsx", "links": { "self": "" }, "key": "17012024_MK2_SC_example_Ch41_analysis(peak1).xlsx", "checksum": "md5:d09515807e6ee4f5240c8c59d0405d5c", "bucket": "e4f9ca8d-a8a5-4fc9-bcb0-5a2621ba6090", "size": 8941 }, { "type": "xls", "links": { "self": "" }, "key": "17012024_MK2_SC_example.xls", "checksum": "md5:9e35faf80e498e495c57fc7f6bd94601", "bucket": "e4f9ca8d-a8a5-4fc9-bcb0-5a2621ba6090", "size": 377344 } ], "created": "2024-09-19T11:38:34.830965+00:00", "updated": "2024-09-26T07:00:11.654107+00:00", "revision": 6, "stats": { "volume": 17656298.0, "unique_downloads": 53.0, "version_unique_downloads": 53.0, "unique_views": 149.0, "downloads": 112.0, "version_unique_views": 149.0, "version_views": 220.0, "version_downloads": 112.0, "version_volume": 17656298.0, "views": 220.0 }, "owners": [ 213 ], "id": 3152 }
All versions | This version | |
Views | 220 | 220 |
Downloads | 112 | 112 |
Data volume | 17.7 MB | 17.7 MB |
Unique views | 149 | 149 |
Unique downloads | 53 | 53 |