Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Advanced setup for in situ positron annihilation lifetime measurements under variable gas atmospheres and humidity: from cryogenic to high temperatures

Elsherif, Ahmed Gamal Attallah; Hirschmann, Eric; Butterling, Maik; Hartmann, Andreas; Stach, Daniel; Findeisen, Stefan; Bon, Volodymyr; Kaskel, Stefan; Wagner, Andreas

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Elsherif, Ahmed Gamal Attallah and
                  Hirschmann, Eric and
                  Butterling, Maik and
                  Hartmann, Andreas and
                  Stach, Daniel and
                  Findeisen, Stefan and
                  Bon, Volodymyr and
                  Kaskel, Stefan and
                  Wagner, Andreas},
  title        = {{Data publication: Advanced setup for in situ 
                   positron annihilation lifetime measurements under
                   variable gas atmospheres and humidity: from
                   cryogenic to high temperatures}},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2024,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.3124},
  url          = {}
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Cite as

Elsherif, Ahmed Gamal Attallah, Hirschmann, Eric, Butterling, Maik, Hartmann, Andreas, Stach, Daniel, Findeisen, Stefan, … Wagner, Andreas. (2024). Data publication: Advanced setup for in situ positron annihilation lifetime measurements under variable gas atmospheres and humidity: from cryogenic to high temperatures [Data set]. Rodare.
