Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Improving Beam-Based Regulation for Continuous-Wave Linear Accelerators with a Disturbance Model-Based Design

Maalberg, Andrei

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  "url": "", 
  "identifier": "", 
  "sameAs": [
  "distribution": [
      "fileFormat": "zip", 
      "@type": "DataDownload", 
      "contentUrl": ""
  "keywords": [
    "linear accelerators", 
    "continuous-wave mode", 
    "optimal control", 
    "field-programmable gate arrays"
  "@id": "", 
  "datePublished": "2024-08-22", 
  "description": "<p>These data were taken by a bunch arrival time monitor during a machine development shift on ELBE accelerator on 07.06.2022. The monitor was installed after the second magnetic chicane to diagnose the application of a beam-based regulator. Two types of regulators were applied, namely a proportional regulator and an H2. The latter was of fourth order. The data revealed the different behavior of the two regulators in frequency domain.</p>", 
  "license": "", 
  "creator": [
      "name": "Maalberg, Andrei", 
      "@id": "", 
      "@type": "Person"
  "@context": "", 
  "name": "Data publication: Improving Beam-Based Regulation for Continuous-Wave Linear Accelerators with a Disturbance Model-Based Design", 
  "citation": [
      "@type": "CreativeWork", 
      "@id": ""
  "@type": "Dataset"
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