Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Ab initio Density Response and Local Field Factor of Warm Dense Hydrogen

Dornheim, Tobias; Schwalbe, Sebastian; Tolias, Panagiotis; Böhme, Maximilian; Moldabekov, Zhandos; Vorberger, Jan

Citation Style Language JSON Export

  "abstract": "<p>This repository contains all PIMC results related to the publication &quot;Ab initio Density Response and Local Field Factor of Warm Dense Hydrogen&quot;. Generally, data formats are identical to figures. Exceptions are 3D ITCF data sets for Figs. 2, 8 and 12: #1 k [a_Bohr^{-1}], #2 tau [Ha^{-1}], #3/#4 F(q,tau)x32 and statistical error and the &quot;ITCF&quot; folders with the raw data for F(q,tau): ITCF: #1 tau [Ha^{-1}]; #2/3: F(q,tau) and statistical error The number after &quot;index&quot; in the file names gives the number of the respective q-vector; see &quot;static_structure_factor_key.dat&quot;, columns 1 and 2 for the respective index-to-q mapping, with [q]=a_Bohr{-1}</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Dornheim, Tobias"
      "family": "Schwalbe, Sebastian"
      "family": "Tolias, Panagiotis"
      "family": "B\u00f6hme, Maximilian"
      "family": "Moldabekov, Zhandos"
      "family": "Vorberger, Jan"
  "title": "Data publication: Ab initio Density Response and Local Field Factor of Warm Dense Hydrogen", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "publisher": "Rodare", 
  "id": "3052", 
  "type": "dataset", 
  "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.3052"
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