Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Ab initio Density Response and Local Field Factor of Warm Dense Hydrogen

Dornheim, Tobias; Schwalbe, Sebastian; Tolias, Panagiotis; Böhme, Maximilian; Moldabekov, Zhandos; Vorberger, Jan

This repository contains all PIMC results related to the publication "Ab initio Density Response and Local Field Factor of Warm Dense Hydrogen". Generally, data formats are identical to figures. Exceptions are 3D ITCF data sets for Figs. 2, 8 and 12: #1 k [a_Bohr^{-1}], #2 tau [Ha^{-1}], #3/#4 F(q,tau)x32 and statistical error and the "ITCF" folders with the raw data for F(q,tau): ITCF: #1 tau [Ha^{-1}]; #2/3: F(q,tau) and statistical error The number after "index" in the file names gives the number of the respective q-vector; see "static_structure_factor_key.dat", columns 1 and 2 for the respective index-to-q mapping, with [q]=a_Bohr{-1}

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