Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Selective recovery of Cu from copper mold production waste by organic ligands

Choudhary, Shivani; Dhiman, Soniya; Hintersatz, Christian; Matys, Sabine; Kutschke, Sabine; Tsushima, Satoru; Pollmann, Katrin; Saravanan, Venkat; Jain, Rohan

JSON Export

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        "name": "Choudhary, Shivani"
        "name": "Dhiman, Soniya"
        "name": "Hintersatz, Christian"
        "name": "Matys, Sabine"
        "orcid": "0000-0001-7514-8307", 
        "name": "Kutschke, Sabine"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-4520-6147", 
        "name": "Tsushima, Satoru"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-3696-8369", 
        "name": "Pollmann, Katrin"
        "name": "Saravanan, Venkat"
        "name": "Jain, Rohan"
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    "description": "<p>The dataset uploaded here contains both raw data and calculated data that were used for the publication about selective recovery of Cu from copper mold production waste by organic ligands&nbsp;</p>", 
    "keywords": [
      "Selective leaching", 
      "Citric acid", 
      "Desferrioxamine B", 
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      "Density functional theory calculations"
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    "title": "Data publication: Selective recovery of Cu from copper mold production waste by organic ligands", 
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All versions This version
Views 8383
Downloads 1212
Data volume 7.9 MB7.9 MB
Unique views 5454
Unique downloads 1212


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