Dataset Open Access

Source Data: Laser-driven high-energy proton beams from cascaded acceleration regimes

Ziegler, Tim; Göthel, Ilja; Assenbaum, Stefan; Bernert, Constantin; Brack, Florian-Emanuel; Cowan, Thomas; Dover, Nicholas P.; Gaus, Lennart; Kluge, Thomas; Kraft, Stephan; Kroll, Florian; Metzkes-Ng, Josefine; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Prencipe, Irene; Püschel, Thomas; Rehwald, Martin; Reimold, Marvin; Schlenvoigt, Hans-Peter; Umlandt, Marvin Elias Paul; Vescovi Pinochet, Milenko Andrés; Schramm, Ulrich; Zeil, Karl

JSON Export

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All versions This version
Views 636204
Downloads 15740
Data volume 240.8 GB61.5 GB
Unique views 478171
Unique downloads 9830


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