Dataset Open Access

Spremberg Hyperspectral Drillcore Data

Thiele, Sam; Kirsch, Moritz; Madriz Diaz, Yuleika; Gloaguen, Richard

DCAT Export

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        <foaf:name>Thiele, Sam</foaf:name>
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        <foaf:name>Kirsch, Moritz</foaf:name>
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        <foaf:name>Madriz Diaz, Yuleika</foaf:name>
        <foaf:familyName>Madriz Diaz</foaf:familyName>
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        <foaf:name>Gloaguen, Richard</foaf:name>
    <dct:title>Spremberg Hyperspectral Drillcore Data</dct:title>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2024</dct:issued>
    <dcat:keyword>mineral deposits</dcat:keyword>
    <dcat:keyword>sedimentary hosted copper</dcat:keyword>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2024-05-15</dct:issued>
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    <dct:description>&lt;p&gt;This hyperspectral drillcore dataset (shed) contains 70 drill holes, totalling 383 boxes that cumulatively contain 1323 meters of scanned cores. Hyperspectral data is stored in the widely used ENVI format (.dat and associated .hdr files), which can be opened using e.g., &lt;a href=""&gt;napari-hippo&lt;/a&gt; (GUI) and &lt;a href=""&gt;hylite&lt;/a&gt; (python). The whole directory structure is compatible&amp;nbsp;with &lt;a href=""&gt;hycore&lt;/a&gt;, for easier out-of-core processing and visualisation.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;These hyperspectral data and associated visualisations can also be viewed interactively &lt;a href=""&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The scanned cores come from the Spremberg&amp;ndash;Graustein Kupferschiefer exploration zone, located in Lusatia, Germany. Five extensive and uninterrupted intervals were scanned, from three boreholes and their deviations drilled by Kupferschiefer Lausitz (KSL) between 2009 and 2010. An additional 65 smaller intervals were also scanned from material drilled during the period spanning 1957 to 1979, a component of the Spremberg exploration initiative executed by the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). Further information on the Spremberg&amp;ndash;Graustein exporation zone can be found &lt;a href=""&gt;here&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Stratigraphically, the KSL cores intersect the Rotliegend (Permian) sandstones and conglomerates (S1), the overlying Kupferschiefer mudstone (T1), which transitions upwards into the Zechstein marls, carbonates and evaporites. Data from one hole also includes the base of the Buntsandstein.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The GDR drill cores, housed at the drill core repository of the Geological Survey of Brandenburg (LBGR), predominantly cover a few meters around the immediate intersection of the Kupferschiefer mudstones.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;These data were acquired as part of the Horizons Europe project &lt;a href=""&gt;Vector&lt;/a&gt;.&amp;nbsp;Kupferschiefer Lausitz and the Geological Survey of Brandenburg are thanked for providing access to core material and their support during data acquisition.&lt;/p&gt;</dct:description>
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            <rdfs:label>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International</rdfs:label>
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