Dataset Open Access

Data publication: 3D detection and tracking of deformable bubbles in swarms with the aid of deep learning models

Hessenkemper, Hendrik; Wang, Lantian; Lucas, Dirk; Shiyong, Tan; Rui, Ni; Ma, Tian

JSON Export

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        "name": "Shiyong, Tan", 
        "affiliation": "Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Baltimore"
        "name": "Rui, Ni", 
        "affiliation": "Johns Hopkins University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Baltimore"
        "name": "Ma, Tian"
    "title": "Data publication: 3D detection and tracking of deformable bubbles in swarms with the aid of deep learning models", 
    "description": "<p>Synthetic data set for 3D tracking of bubbles in multi-view measurements.</p>", 
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All versions This version
Views 341341
Downloads 1717
Data volume 13.9 GB13.9 GB
Unique views 296296
Unique downloads 1717


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