Dataset Closed Access

Data publication - Danielle Maass and BioKollekt article 2024: Identification of yttrium oxide-specific peptides for future recycling of rare earth elements from electronic scrap

Maass, Danielle; Boelens, Peter; Bloß, Christoph; Claus, Gerda; Harter, Sonja Dorothea; Günther, Dominik; Pollmann, Katrin; Lederer, Franziska

JSON Export

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        "name": "Maass, Danielle", 
        "affiliation": "Federal University of Sao Paulo: S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Campos, SP, BR ", 
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        "name": "Boelens, Peter", 
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        "name": "Blo\u00df, Christoph", 
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        "name": "Claus, Gerda"
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    "description": "Dieser Datensatz enth\u00e4lt die experimentell erworbenen und ausgewerteten Daten der Phagendisplayexperimente auf Y2O3.", 
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All versions This version
Views 179179
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Unique views 156156
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Cite as

Maass, Danielle, Boelens, Peter, Bloß, Christoph, Claus, Gerda, Harter, Sonja Dorothea, Günther, Dominik, … Lederer, Franziska. (2024). Data publication - Danielle Maass and BioKollekt article 2024: Identification of yttrium oxide-specific peptides for future recycling of rare earth elements from electronic scrap [Data set]. Rodare.
