Dataset Open Access

Data publication: The spatial association of accessory minerals with biotite in granitic rocks from the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia, Canada

Clarke, B. D.; Renno, Axel; Hamilton, David C.; Gilbricht, S.; Bachmann, Kai

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Clarke, B. D. and
                  Renno, Axel and
                  Hamilton, David C. and
                  Gilbricht, S. and
                  Bachmann, Kai},
  title        = {{Data publication: The spatial association of 
                   accessory minerals with biotite in granitic rocks
                   from the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia,
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2024,
  note         = {{Explanation of the individual data files (in the 
                   zip directory). Main Directory: •       Data_The
                   spatial association of accessory minerals with
                   biotite in granitic rocks  Subdirectories: •
                   Processed_Data •       Raw_Data Processed_Data •
                   exported diagrams o       apatite grain size
                   distribution o       monazite grain size
                   distribution o       xenotime grain size
                   distribution o       zircon grain size
                   distribution •       exported excel tables o
                   All_Samples o       grain properties 2B3A o
                   grain properties all geometric data o       grain
                   properties area px perimeter o       grain
                   properties length and breadth o       mineral
                   association The Raw Data File directory contains
                   the MLA raw data in the default saved form.}},
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2630},
  url          = {}
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Cite as

Clarke, B. D., Renno, Axel, Hamilton, David C., Gilbricht, S., & Bachmann, Kai. (2024). Data publication: The spatial association of accessory minerals with biotite in granitic rocks from the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia, Canada [Data set]. Rodare.
