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Unlocking the potential of GaAs nanowires for telecom photonics

Sun, Xiaoxiao; Hilliard, Donovan; Chatzopoulou, P.; Vasileiadis, I.; Florini, N.; Dimitrakopulos, G.; Komninou, P.; Lymperakis, L.; Devulapalli, V.; Liebscher, C.; Pashkin, Oleksiy; Winnerl, Stephan; Helm, Manfred; Dimakis, Emmanouil

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Sun, Xiaoxiao and
                  Hilliard, Donovan and
                  Chatzopoulou, P. and
                  Vasileiadis, I. and
                  Florini, N. and
                  Dimitrakopulos, G. and
                  Komninou, P. and
                  Lymperakis, L. and
                  Devulapalli, V. and
                  Liebscher, C. and
                  Pashkin, Oleksiy and
                  Winnerl, Stephan and
                  Helm, Manfred and
                  Dimakis, Emmanouil},
  title        = {{Unlocking the potential of GaAs nanowires for 
                   telecom photonics}},
  month        = dec,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2622},
  url          = {}
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Sun, Xiaoxiao, Hilliard, Donovan, Chatzopoulou, P., Vasileiadis, I., Florini, N., Dimitrakopulos, G., … Dimakis, Emmanouil. (2023, December 22). Unlocking the potential of GaAs nanowires for telecom photonics. Rodare.
