Dataset Restricted Access

Pressure evolution of electron dynamics in the superconducting kagome metal CsV₃Sb₅

Wenzel, M.; Tsirlin, A. A.; Capitani, F.; Chan, Y. T.; Ortiz, B. R.; Wilson, S. D.; Dressel, M.; Uykur, Ece

JSON Export

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    "access_right": "restricted", 
    "access_conditions": "<p>Users should inform one of the authors before the access to data. Upon re-use of the data set, acknowledgment of the original work should be granted.&nbsp;</p>", 
    "title": "Pressure evolution of electron dynamics in the superconducting kagome metal CsV\u2083Sb\u2085", 
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    "publication_date": "2023-12-12", 
    "description": "<ol>\r\n <li>Data from the publication are given in Origin format with Figure codes.</li>\r\n <li>More data are available upon request.</li>\r\n</ol>", 
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        "affiliation": "Uni. Stuttgart"
        "name": "Tsirlin, A. A.", 
        "affiliation": "Uni. Leipzig"
        "name": "Capitani, F.", 
        "affiliation": "SOLEIL Syncrothron"
        "name": "Chan, Y. T.", 
        "affiliation": "Uni. Stuttgart"
        "name": "Ortiz, B. R.", 
        "affiliation": "USCB"
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        "affiliation": "USCB"
        "name": "Dressel, M.", 
        "affiliation": "Uni. Stuttgart"
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