Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Effect of ISA and chloride on the uptake of niobium(V) by hardened cement paste and C-S-H phases: quantitative description and mechanistic understanding

Jo, Yongheum; Çevirim-Papaioannou, Neşe; Franke, Karsten; Fuss, Markus; Pedersen, Malene; Lothenbach, Barbara; de Blochouse, Benny; Altmaier, Marcus; Gaona, Xavier

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Jo, Yongheum and
                  Çevirim-Papaioannou, Neşe and
                  Franke, Karsten and
                  Fuss, Markus and
                  Pedersen, Malene and
                  Lothenbach, Barbara and
                  de Blochouse, Benny and
                  Altmaier, Marcus and
                  Gaona, Xavier},
  title        = {{Data publication: Effect of ISA and chloride on 
                   the uptake of niobium(V) by hardened cement paste
                   and C-S-H phases: quantitative description and
                   mechanistic understanding}},
  month        = dec,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2603},
  url          = {}
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