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Dataset Open Access

Data publication: SAPPHIRE - Establishment of small animal proton and photon image-guided radiation experiments

Schneider, Moritz; Schilz, Joshua; Schürer, Michael; Gantz, Sebastian; Dreyer, Anne; Rothe, Gerd; Tillner, Falk; Bodenstein, Elisabeth; Horst, Felix; Beyreuther, Elke

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Schneider, Moritz and
                  Schilz, Joshua and
                  Schürer, Michael and
                  Gantz, Sebastian and
                  Dreyer, Anne and
                  Rothe, Gerd and
                  Tillner, Falk and
                  Bodenstein, Elisabeth and
                  Horst, Felix and
                  Beyreuther, Elke},
  title        = {{Data publication: SAPPHIRE - Establishment of 
                   small animal proton and photon image-guided
                   radiation experiments}},
  month        = nov,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2582},
  url          = {}
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