Dataset Closed Access

Data publication: Ion emission from warm dense matter produced by irradiation with a soft x-ray free-electron laser

Krása, Josef; Burian, Tomáš; Hájková, Věra; Chalupský, Jaromír; Jelínek, Šimon; Frantálová, Kateřina; Krupka, Michal; Kuglerová, Zuzana; Kumar Singh, Sushil; Vozda, Vojtěch; Vyšín, Luděk; Smid, Michal; Perez-Martin, Pablo; Kühlman, Marion; Pintor, Juan; Cikhardt, Jakub; Dreimann, Matthias; Eckermann, Dennis; Rosenthal, Felix; Vinko, Sam M.; Forte, Alessandro; Gawne, Thomas Daniel; Campbell, Thomas; Ren, Shenyuan; Shi, Yuanfeng; Hutchinson, Trevor; Humphries, Oliver Samuel; Preston, Thomas; Makita, Mikako; Nakatsutsumi, Motoaki; Pan, Xiayun; Köhler, Alexander; Harmand, Marion; Toleikis, Sven; Falk, Katerina; Juha, Libor

Data set on the ion emission of different materials. Each dataset is separate and titled with the chemical symbol or abbreviation of the specific material.

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