Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Unravelling the water adsorption mechanism in hierarchical MOFs: insights from in situ positron annihilation lifetime studies

Attallah, Ahmed Gamal; Bon, Volodymyr; Maity, Kartik; Hirschmann, Eric; Butterling, Maik; Wagner, Andreas; Kaskel, Stefan

JSON Export

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        "name": "Bon, Volodymyr", 
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        "affiliation": "Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I, Technische Universit\u00e4t Dresden, Bergstrasse 66, D-01062 Dresden, Germany"
        "name": "Maity, Kartik", 
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        "affiliation": "Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I, Technische Universit\u00e4t Dresden, Bergstrasse 66, D-01062 Dresden, Germany"
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        "name": "Kaskel, Stefan", 
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    "description": "<p>Positron lifetime data for in situ humidity measurements</p>"
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All versions This version
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Unique downloads 2929


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