Dataset Open Access
Stricker, Alexandra; Hilpmann, Stephan; Mansel, Alexander; Franke, Karsten; Schymura, Stefan
{ "abstract": "<p>Daten zur Radiomarkierung von Mikroplastikpartikeln: Cu-Komplexierung; Cu-64 eindiffusion, Fluoreszenz-Markierung; HSP screening; Hydrophobizitäts Messungen; Elektronen-/Lichtmikroskopie; Quellversuche; Spektren.</p>", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.2476", "language": "eng", "id": "2476", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 9, 22 ] ] }, "type": "dataset", "publisher": "Rodare", "author": [ { "family": "Stricker, Alexandra" }, { "family": "Hilpmann, Stephan" }, { "family": "Mansel, Alexander" }, { "family": "Franke, Karsten" }, { "family": "Schymura, Stefan" } ], "title": "Data publication: (Radio)labeling of Micro-/Nanoplastics by In-diffusion", "note": "Funding from the European Union\u00b4s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Grant Agreement No. 95237 (SurfBio) is acknowledged. Furthermore, financial support by the Helmholtz-Association, grant PIE-0007 (CROSSING) is acknowledged." }
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