Software Open Access

HELIPORT (HELmholtz ScIentific Project WORkflow PlaTform)

Voigt, Martin; Ufer, Robert; Schacht, Wilhelm; Knodel, Oliver; Pape, David; Lokamani, Mani; Müller, Stefan; Gruber, Thomas; Kelling, Jeffrey

JSON-LD ( Export

  "license": "", 
  "sameAs": [
  "@type": "SoftwareSourceCode", 
  "keywords": [
    "project lifecycle", 
    "data managment"
  "url": "", 
  "version": "0.6.0", 
  "name": "HELIPORT (HELmholtz ScIentific Project WORkflow PlaTform)", 
  "@id": "", 
  "inLanguage": {
    "alternateName": "eng", 
    "name": "English", 
    "@type": "Language"
  "@context": "", 
  "datePublished": "2023-06-15", 
  "identifier": "", 
  "creator": [
      "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", 
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "Voigt, Martin", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", 
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "Ufer, Robert", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", 
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "Schacht, Wilhelm", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", 
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "Knodel, Oliver", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", 
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "Pape, David", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", 
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "Lokamani, Mani", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", 
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "M\u00fcller, Stefan", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "Gruber, Thomas", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "@id": "", 
      "name": "Kelling, Jeffrey", 
      "@type": "Person"
  "description": "<p>The guidance system HELIPORT aims to make the entire life cycle of a project at the HZDR searchable, accessible, complete and reusable according to the FAIR principles, mentioned below. In particular, our data management solution deals with the areas from the generation of the data to the publication of primary research data, the workflows carried out and the actual research results. For this purpose, a concept was developed which shows the various essential components and their connections. Descriptions of the individual components can be found in our RODARE publication:\u00a0<a href=\"\">10.14278/rodare.193</a></p>"
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Cite as

Voigt, Martin, Ufer, Robert, Schacht, Wilhelm, Knodel, Oliver, Pape, David, Lokamani, Mani, … Kelling, Jeffrey. (2023, June 15). HELIPORT (HELmholtz ScIentific Project WORkflow PlaTform) (Version 0.6.0). Rodare.
