Dataset Open Access
Lünser, Klara; Undisz, Andreas; Nielsch, Kornelius; Fähler, Sebastian
{ "distribution": [ { "@type": "DataDownload", "contentUrl": "", "fileFormat": "zip" } ], "name": "Data for \"How to grow single-crystalline and epitaxial NiTi films in (100)- and (111)-orientation\"", "keywords": [ "NiTi films", "shape memory alloys", "epitaxial film growth", "Nitinol" ], "description": "<p>This dataset belongs to the paper "How to grow single-crystalline and epitaxial NiTi films in (100)- and (111)-orientation" and contains all raw data used for the paper. It includes AFM, SEM, R(T), TEM, Texture measurements and rocking curves. Information about samples, measurement techniques and file naming conventions can be found in README.txt. </p>", "datePublished": "2023-05-09", "creator": [ { "name": "L\u00fcnser, Klara", "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "affiliation": "HZDR" }, { "name": "Undisz, Andreas", "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "affiliation": "TU Chemnitz" }, { "name": "Nielsch, Kornelius", "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "affiliation": "Leibniz IFW Dresden" }, { "name": "F\u00e4hler, Sebastian", "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "affiliation": "HZDR" } ], "license": "", "@id": "", "sameAs": [ "" ], "@type": "Dataset", "identifier": "", "@context": "", "url": "" }
All versions | This version | |
Views | 162 | 162 |
Downloads | 7 | 7 |
Data volume | 215.6 MB | 215.6 MB |
Unique views | 148 | 148 |
Unique downloads | 7 | 7 |