Dataset Open Access
Pfeufer, Rike Alena
{ "@context": "", "@type": "Dataset", "identifier": "", "url": "", "@id": "", "datePublished": "2023-05-09", "distribution": [ { "@type": "DataDownload", "fileFormat": "txt", "contentUrl": ",5_IFT_1.txt" }, { "@type": "DataDownload", "fileFormat": "txt", "contentUrl": ",5_IFT5.txt" }, { "@type": "DataDownload", "fileFormat": "txt", "contentUrl": ",5_IFT6.txt" }, { "@type": "DataDownload", "fileFormat": "txt", "contentUrl": "" } ], "creator": [ { "affiliation": "Helmholtz Institut Freiberg", "@type": "Person", "name": "Pfeufer, Rike Alena" } ], "sameAs": [ "" ], "inLanguage": { "@type": "Language", "name": "English", "alternateName": "eng" }, "description": "<p>data sets of pendant drop measurements of aqueous decyl punicine solution.</p>\n\n<p>Measurements were carried out at the OCA25 from DataPhysics Instruments GmbH .</p>", "keywords": [ "punicine", "pendant drop", "interfacial tension" ], "license": "", "name": "Pendant drop mesurements for water and decyl punicine in water" }
All versions | This version | |
Views | 145 | 145 |
Downloads | 90 | 90 |
Data volume | 4.3 MB | 4.3 MB |
Unique views | 137 | 137 |
Unique downloads | 60 | 60 |