Dataset Open Access

surface pressure isotherms for punicine derivatives and oleic acid/sodium oleate

Pfeufer, Rike Alena

JSON-LD ( Export

  "keywords": [
    "Langmuir-Blodgett trough", 
    "surface pressure isotherm"
  "url": "", 
  "distribution": [
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  "datePublished": "2023-05-09", 
  "license": "", 
  "@type": "Dataset", 
  "creator": [
      "name": "Pfeufer, Rike Alena", 
      "affiliation": "Helmholtz Institut Freiberg", 
      "@type": "Person"
  "sameAs": [
  "name": "surface pressure isotherms for punicine derivatives and oleic acid/sodium oleate", 
  "@id": "", 
  "description": "<p>Data sets of surface pressure isotherms for punicine derivatives (octyl-, nonyl-, decyl-, undecyl- and heptadecyl-punicine) and oleic acid/sodium oleate.</p>\n\n<p>Measurements were carried out at the Langmuir-Blodgett Minitrough of KSV Instruments Ltd. For each measurement the surfactant was solubilized in 1:1 EtOH and chloroform. This solution was placed on top of water (conductivity &lt; 0.8 &micro;S) and after an evaporation time of 10 min measurements were started.</p>", 
  "inLanguage": {
    "name": "English", 
    "alternateName": "eng", 
    "@type": "Language"
  "identifier": ""
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