Figure Open Access

Different effect of anatase TiO2 nanotubes and nanocubes on microtubule fragmentation, mitotic arrest and aneuploidy indicating plausible carcinogenicity

Podlipec, Rok; Hlawacek, Gregor

JSON-LD ( Export

  "@type": "ImageObject", 
  "description": "<p>Ultra-high resolution Helium Ion Microscopy (HIM) images of lung epithelial cells exposed to&nbsp;titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes. Images reveal cell nuclear envelope with nuclear pores and cytoskeleton structure showing local damage at the site&nbsp;with the presence of single TiO2 nanotubes.&nbsp;</p>", 
  "name": "Different effect of anatase TiO2 nanotubes and nanocubes on microtubule fragmentation, mitotic arrest and aneuploidy indicating plausible carcinogenicity", 
  "sameAs": [
  "url": "", 
  "@context": "", 
  "@id": "", 
  "creator": [
      "@id": "", 
      "@type": "Person", 
      "name": "Podlipec, Rok"
      "@type": "Person", 
      "name": "Hlawacek, Gregor"
  "identifier": "", 
  "citation": [
      "@type": "CreativeWork", 
      "@id": ""
  "license": "", 
  "datePublished": "2023-05-03", 
  "keywords": []
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