Dataset Restricted Access

Data publication for: OCTOPOD - single bunch tomography for angular-spectral characterization of laser-driven protons

Reimold, Marvin; Assenbaum, Stefan; Beyreuther, Elke; Bodenstein, Elisabeth; Brack, Florian-Emanuel; Eisenmann, Christoph; Englbrecht, F.; Kroll, Florian; Lindner, F.; Masood, U.; Pawelke, Jörg; Schramm, Ulrich; Schneider, Moritz; Sobiella, Manfred; Umlandt, Marvin Elias Paul; Vescovi Pinochet, Milenko Andrés; Zeil, Karl; Ziegler, Tim; Metzkes-Ng, Josefine

JSON Export

  "conceptdoi": "10.14278/rodare.2261", 
  "conceptrecid": "2261", 
  "created": "2023-04-18T13:27:58.896907+00:00", 
  "owners": [
  "updated": "2023-05-03T09:51:47.376301+00:00", 
  "metadata": {
    "publication_date": "2023-04-18", 
    "doc_id": "1", 
    "title": "Data publication for: OCTOPOD - single bunch tomography for angular-spectral characterization of laser-driven protons", 
    "keywords": [
      "laser-plasma acceleration of protons", 
      "proton detector", 
      "tomographic reconstruction"
    "description": "<p>The data set comprises raw data, processed data and detector data for the OCTOPOD detector applied for characterization of proton bunches at a proton cyclotron and a laser-driven proton accelerator.</p>", 
    "communities": [
        "id": "ecfunded"
        "id": "health"
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        "id": "rodare"
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    "grants": [
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          "doi": "10.13039/501100000780", 
          "name": "European Commission"
        "acronym": "LASERLAB-EUROPE", 
        "program": "H2020", 
        "title": "The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures", 
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          "self": ""
        "code": "871124"
    "doi": "10.14278/rodare.2262", 
    "resource_type": {
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      "title": "Dataset"
    "access_conditions": "<p>Data access upon request under .</p>", 
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    "creators": [
        "orcid": "0000-0003-4962-2153", 
        "name": "Reimold, Marvin"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-6928-2048", 
        "name": "Assenbaum, Stefan"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-0582-1444", 
        "name": "Beyreuther, Elke"
        "orcid": "0000-0001-8205-8422", 
        "name": "Bodenstein, Elisabeth"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-9859-2408", 
        "name": "Brack, Florian-Emanuel"
        "name": "Eisenmann, Christoph"
        "affiliation": "Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen, 85748 Garching/M\u00fcnchen, Germany", 
        "name": "Englbrecht, F."
        "orcid": "0000-0002-0275-9892", 
        "name": "Kroll, Florian"
        "affiliation": "Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\u00e4t M\u00fcnchen, 85748 Garching/M\u00fcnchen, Germany", 
        "name": "Lindner, F."
        "name": "Masood, U."
        "orcid": "0000-0003-4128-5498", 
        "name": "Pawelke, J\u00f6rg"
        "orcid": "0000-0003-0390-7671", 
        "name": "Schramm, Ulrich"
        "orcid": "0000-0003-2233-0660", 
        "name": "Schneider, Moritz"
        "name": "Sobiella, Manfred"
        "orcid": "0000-0001-7332-7395", 
        "name": "Umlandt, Marvin Elias Paul"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-2828-5373", 
        "name": "Vescovi Pinochet, Milenko Andr\u00e9s"
        "orcid": "0000-0003-3926-409X", 
        "name": "Zeil, Karl"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-3727-7017", 
        "name": "Ziegler, Tim"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-9556-0662", 
        "name": "Metzkes-Ng, Josefine"
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    "access_right_category": "danger"
  "doi": "10.14278/rodare.2262", 
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All versions This version
Views 5858
Downloads 00
Data volume 0 Bytes0 Bytes
Unique views 5252
Unique downloads 00


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